We need your help to evaluate the impact of the programme. Below, there are two survey links; one for pupils taking part in the Travel to Tokyo challenge and other one for their parents. We kindly ask you to do the following:
Pupil survey
Please administer this link to your pupils who are taking part in the Travel to Tokyo programme.
This can be done in class at a time that suits you and your pupils best. Please ensure you are supervising whilst they complete the questionnaire in case they need help answering any of the questions. It shouldn’t take longer than 10 minutes.
Parent Survey
Please share this link with parents of classes or year groups taking part in the Travel to Tokyo challenge through your usual communication channels with parents. You could include the following text:
“Our school is taking part in Travel to Tokyo, a free programme run by Team GB and ParalympicsGB. Travel to Tokyo uses the inspiration of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games to help children and their families learn more about the Olympic and Paralympics Games and find new ways – and places – to get active together in their local community. Prior to the programme beginning, we would like parents to complete a short questionnaire to better understand the impact of the programme. Please click on the following link to complete the survey: https://www.warpsurveys.com/gsttp19.
As a thank you for your help, you will be entering into a prize draw for the chance to win 1 of 50 £10 online Amazon vouchers.”
Thanks for joining us on the journey. We can't wait to hear what your pupils and their families have to say.