Recommended age group: 7–11 (KS2)
Time required: one 60 min session
Equipment: Value the Values activity sheet, Ace it Values certificate, Value the Values example images presentation.
Transcript of video
In this activity, students will consider what the Olympic and Paralympic Values mean and share when they have experienced their benefits.
Pupils will be able to:
- to reflect on and celebrate their achievements, identify their strengths and areas for improvement, set high aspirations and goals
- value and contribute to a positive and respectful culture in sport, school and the wider community
- be responsible, respectful, active citizens who contribute positively to society
- developing their understanding and appreciation of diversity.
- Introduce the Olympic Values. Write down the Olympic Values of friendship, excellence and respect and ask the children to say what they mean and give examples of them, both in and out of sport using questions such as:
- Why are friends important?
- What does it mean to respect someone?
- How can sports players show excellence?
- Does it only mean winning or being good at their sport?
- Introduce the Paralympic Values. Do the same for the Paralympic Values of inspiration, determination, courage and equality, also raising the question of why these have been chosen for the Paralympic Games in particular.
- Think on your feet! Place seven large pieces of paper, one for each Value, in different areas of the room. Divide pupils into groups and ask them to think about and write down as many examples of each Value as possible, going through each of the following scenarios in turn. Give each group 30 seconds at each Value to keep the class moving – remind them that the aim is to think of as many ideas as possible, not to find a perfect example!
- How can you show this Value at home?
- How can you show this Value in sport?
- How can you show this Value in school?
- Discuss your examples. Give groups two minutes to walk around the room to see everyone else’s ideas. Ask each group for three examples that stick out to them. Why do they think this is a good example of that Value?
- Discuss the Values in Tennis. Discuss tennis and the importance of the Values in the lives of professional tennis players. Share the images in the Value the Values presentation to help spark discussion:
- Who do they respect and why?
- What does friendship mean to them?
- How can they be excellent off the court as well as on it?
- Ask pupils to complete the Value the Values activity sheet. Students should then write down instances of when they have experienced or shown these seven Values. Prompt students with examples as necessary.
- Ask pupils to share their Values examples. Discuss the following question: how can sport help to overcome problems like people not being treated equally?
- Use the Values and students’ own experience to theme an assembly where the class shares how the Olympic and Paralympic Values can inspire our own lives.
- Explore the Values further as part of a class project – use the Olympic and Paralympic Values resources for further ideas.
- Have a PE lesson that features lots of different kinds of activities and ask children to think about how the Values can play a part in the activities – for instance how they showed determination, exhibited friendship or saw excellence. Ideas for active lessons exploring each of the Values can be found in the Spirit of Sport resources.
- Students can aim towards earning a Values Certificate in their PE activities.
- Remember to encourage pupils to log their activity to your Travel to Tokyo class team for the chance to win exclusive prizes! Find out more about Get Set's Travel to Tokyo challenge here: