Recommended age group: for teachers, coaches and SLT.
Time required: 15–30 minutes.
Equipment: Think Real teacher introduction presentation, Think Real poster.
What is Think Real?
Developed with Sport England, UK Anti-Doping, and support from the English Institute of Sport, new Get Set + programme Think Real aims to inspire young people aged 11–16 to make healthy, informed decisions. Exploring the links between nutrition, recovery and physical activity, the adaptable three hour-long sessions (Fuel, Recovery and Healthy Habits) encourage young people to take ownership of their learning and lifestyles – now and for the future.
Teacher Introduction
The presentation below provides an introduction to Think Real for teachers, leaders and coaches. It should be read before delivery to gain an overview of the background, aims and key themes of the Think Real programme. The presentation also provides an overview of each resource (with 'Class' versions for younger/less sport-focused young people and 'Team' versions for older/more sport-focused young people), ideas for whole-school engagement, working with parents and further signposting to related resources or information.
This presentation can also be shared with colleagues as an introduction and guide to Think Real.
Download the video and use the Think Real downloadable poster to create Think Real display around your school, and remind your students of the key themes and messages of the programme.
Share your feedback
Don't forget to use the Think Real evaluation pack to help you evidence the impact of the Think Real lessons on your students and help us improve the resources for future users. What's more, all Think Real users that complete the baseline and/or reflection surveys will be entered into our termly prize draw!
See all Think Real Resources