Recommended age group: 7–11
Time required: One 45–60 minute session
Equipment: Determination and Courage activity guides, hoops, bean bags, cones, markers, bookmark template (take-home task).


These activities can be completed with groups of any size, or individual pupils, in the classroom or at home. 



  • The ability to face danger or difficulty or pain even when you are afraid. (Oxford School Dictionary)
  • Courage encompasses the unique spirit of the Paralympic athlete who seeks to accomplish what the general public deems unexpected, but what the athlete knows as a truth. (International Paralympic Association)


  • The firm intention to achieve what you have decided to achieve. (Oxford School Dictionary)
  • The manifestation of the idea that Paralympic athletes push their physical ability to the absolute limit. (International Paralympic Association)

Part 1

  1. Explain that determination and courage are two values that go hand in hand. They compliment each other, so it can be difficult to see the difference. Get the group to find a space in the room.
  2. Read out a statement from the Determination or Courage activity guide (see below). The group must individually decide whether it is determination or courage.
  3. After discussing the definitions of determination and courage, play the Get Set video, Best of the London 2012 Paralympic Games, and ask the group to think about the question, ‘what examples of determination or courage (or both) are shown in this video?’ Start a discussion around the examples they identified. Alternatively, watch Inspired by...Laura Deas to hear an Olympic bronze medallist's examples of determination.
  4. Draw together your examples and discussion to build a definition of determination and courage.

Part 2

  1. Now that the group understands what determination and courage is, it is time to encourage them to identify the skills within themselves.
  2. Using the Determination and Courage Tasks activity guide, get the group to tackle two different tasks that will highlight their determination and courage. It is important that the group encourages each other to be determined and courageous, so make sure they cheer each other on in the tasks!
  3. Once both tasks are complete, ask pupils to work in pairs and reflect on the activities and the determination and courage they demonstrated could be used by a young person their age in everyday situations. Remind pupils of the Determination or Courage statements to supports discussions.
  4. Finally, use the Determination and Courage Bridge activity guide to encourage students to set and share their own goals.

Key learnings

Determination and courage can be shown in a variety of ways. All of us can show determination and courage in everyday situations, but those situations and the way we show these values may be different for each person.


  • Ask the young people to reflect on the determination and courage session, if possible, working with parents/guardians.
  • Ask pupils, with their parents/guardians, to identify an example of where they (the young person) have displayed determination and/or courage.
  • On the Bookmark Template activity sheet, pupils should draw this experience and, on the reverse, write a short paragraph (working with parents/guardians as appropriate) to explain how they were determined and/or courageous.
  • Ask them to bring the bookmark into school to use as a reminder of how they are determined or have courage.